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Duckling - Insight Media



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Duckling - Insight Media(圖1)-速報App

Let's enlighten each other

Duckling - Insight Media(圖2)-速報App

How do you grasp the challenges of your life, and build a great future for yourself and others? It takes a network of shared insights – This is Duckling.

Duckling - Insight Media(圖3)-速報App

-Fast knowledge: Duckling lets you find short, visual insights from great thinkers, and share your own. It's enlightening, yet quicker than blog posts, videos, and podcasts. That's why we call Duckling: "Insight Media for the Creators of the Future."

Duckling - Insight Media(圖4)-速報App

-Made for people, not advertisers: The Internet promised to be a great world brain. Well, the brain has become a baby brain, and the reason is advertising. On Duckling you won't find ads, and we won't steal your data. Everything you create on Duckling belongs to you. Period.

Duckling - Insight Media(圖5)-速報App

-Invest in your mind: We've come up with a revolutionary idea – We will build a product that empowers people, and in return, people will pay to use the product. Sounds crazy? Yeah, we know. It's much saner to hijack peoples brains and sell their thoughts to advertisers, but we still believe in the idea. Sign up for a Duckling membership for less than a cup of coffee, and we will free your mind in return.

Duckling - Insight Media(圖6)-速報App

-Say it with a card: Quickly create cards with texts, images, video, audio and links, and video to explain your insights.

Duckling - Insight Media(圖7)-速報App

-Just add words: With Duckling, you can effortlessly search and embed photos and videos from around the internet. We only show content that you are allowed to use (creative commons).

Duckling - Insight Media(圖8)-速報App

-Can be shared anywhere: Duckling insights can be shared on social media and embedded on your blog or website. You can even embed a real-time feed of insights within a specific topic.

Duckling - Insight Media(圖9)-速報App

-Discover the people who matter: Our assisted search makes it easy to find topics that widen your perspective. Once you pick a topic, we show you a feed of the most insightful people with this topic.

-Show people a new you: The Duckling showroom is a great way to show the world what you are truly made of. It's a different kind of image than on social media.

-Add a few extras: Extend your insights by adding links to blog posts, podcasts, TED talks and more, or write longer articles. And if you'd rather tell it than show it, you can add audio comments.
